Antiques Dealers

If you have an item of furniture or an artefact for which you need to have provenance information, then I will be pleased to help you. I have experience of research in both the UK and France and have successfully carried out work for specialist antique dealers in London. I can also offer French/English translation services for all documentation.

Probate Research

Whether you are a local authority administrator, a legal professional or a coroner I can help you locate next of kin and missing beneficiaries.

This work includes the construction of family trees, document search services and verification of addresses to enable the location and identification of relevant beneficiaries.

Palaeography Services

Handwritten documents such as early wills, family letters or church records can often be difficult to decipher. I have experience of reading and transcribing documents dating from the 1500s to the present day.

So if you're struggling to decipher a document or interpret some handwriting, let me help.